Jak splnit všechna lednová předsevzetí

How to fulfill all your January resolutions

January is slowly coming to an end, but what about your resolutions? Are you working on them honestly or are they already rolling crumpled at the bottom of the bin? Every year, many of us make New Year's resolutions. Whether it's a healthier lifestyle, saving money, improving relationships or personal growth, most of us have experienced a situation where the plans from January disappeared into thin air in a few weeks. How can you avoid this and actually keep your resolutions? Here are some practical tips.

Novoroční diety - na co si dát pozor!

New Year's diets - what to watch out for!

With the arrival of the new year, many of us set goals to improve our lifestyle. One of the most common resolutions that almost every one of us has made is to lose weight and start eating healthier. But New Year's diets can be a double-edged sword - while they can help you get in better shape and stay healthy, the wrong approach can have negative effects on your psyche and often your body. So what should you watch out for if you decide to start a New Year's diet?

Tento rok dodržíte novoroční předsevzetí!

This year you will keep your New Year's resolution!

Every new year is full of expectations, hopes and new beginnings. Many of us make New Year's resolutions at the beginning of January - from improving our health to career growth. But unfortunately, it often happens that these great plans quickly become just a distant memory. Why is this so? And what can we do about it to really keep our resolutions this year? We have prepared a guide for you on how to do it!
Nový rok, nové já. Jak vykročit správnou nohou do nového roku?

New year, new me. How to start the new year on the right foot?

Every new year brings the opportunity for new beginnings, for decisions that can affect our lives. Whether you are looking forward to a fresh start or are a little worried about how to start, definitely avoid unnecessary fear. The New Year is the ideal time for change and growth. So how do you step into the new year on the right foot and use its full potential?
Připravte se na svátky bez výčitek

Prepare for the holidays without regrets

The holidays are a time of joy, family gatherings, good food and well-being. But for many of us, they are also associated with remorse - whether due to overeating, lack of exercise or stress associated with preparations. How to enjoy the holidays to the fullest and at the same time maintain a good feeling? We have prepared some tips for you on how to handle the holidays without regrets and with a smile.
Proč rozhodně neodebírat krabičkovou stravu

Why you should definitely not buy boxed food

If you're looking for a surefire way to complicate your life, make a mess at home, and worry about what you're going to eat every day, definitely stay away from boxed meals.
Jak se vyhnout přejídání?

How to avoid overeating?

Overeating is a problem that many people face, not only during holidays or celebrations, but also in everyday life. It is often associated with emotional stress, inattention while eating, or bad habits. If you want to keep your eating habits under control and avoid the unpleasant feeling of overeating, here are some tips on how to do it.
Jaký vliv má kvalitní strava na psychiku?

What effect does a quality diet have on the psyche?

In today's fast-paced world, the impact of diet on overall health is often underestimated, and mental health is no exception. What we eat has a major impact not only on our bodies, but also on our minds. A quality diet can be the key to a better mood, increased energy, and even stress management. Let's take a look at how a quality diet specifically affects our psyche.
Jak přizpůsobit stravování a tréninkový plán svému životnímu stylu

How to adapt your diet and training plan to your lifestyle

When we decide to change our eating habits or start a training plan, we often have big goals and ambitions in our heads. We may imagine ourselves sticking to a strict regimen every day and set ourselves a clear goal, such as losing weight or gaining muscle. However, once we start implementing our plan, we often find that it is difficult to stick to it in the long term because our lifestyle, work commitments and personal preferences simply do not fit in. So how do we adapt our eating and training plan so that it is sustainable and in line with our daily lives?
Jak začít se zdravým stravováním

How to start eating healthy

Starting a healthy diet is a great way to improve your health, energy, and overall well-being. But it can feel like a daunting task if you don't know the right steps. This article will walk you through the steps so you can get started easily and effectively.
Jaké jsou nejčastější mýty o krabičkové dietě? Je na čase je vyvrátit!

What are the most common myths about box diets and why it's time to debunk them

Krabičková dieta je stále populárnější, ale zároveň se kolem ní šíří řada mýtů a nepravd. Tyto mýty mohou odradit některé od vyzkoušení krabičkové diety, i když ve skutečnosti nabízí mnoho výhod. V tomto článku se podíváme na několik z nejčastějších mýtů o krabičkové dietě a vysvětlíme, proč nejsou tak úplně pravdivé.
Proč si vybrat právě Yes Krabičky: Objevte výhody naší krabičkové diety

Why choose Yes Krabičky: Discover the benefits of our box diet

V Yes Krabičkách se zavazujeme poskytovat našim zákazníkům to nejlepší, co může krabičková dieta nabídnout. Pokud přemýšlíte o tom, zda je krabičková dieta to pravé pro vás, nebo zda byste měli vybrat právě nás, rádi vám představíme důvody, proč jsme tím nejlepším výběrem. Naše krabičky jsou navrženy tak, aby splnily vaše potřeby a přispěly k vašemu zdraví, pohodlí a spokojenosti. Pojďme se podívat na všechny výhody, které Yes Krabičky nabízejí, a proč bychom měli být vaší první volbou.