[INTERVIEW] How Yes Krabičky make life easier for the successful painter Martin Krajc
The fact that Yes Krabičky can save a lot of time and relieve the daily duties of buying and preparing food is undeniable. Even the successful Czech painter Martin Krajc knows about this. Thanks to the regular collection of Yes Boxes, he can work undisturbed on his paintings and in the saved time gather inspiration for his next work. In the interview, Martin told us, among other things, how his day goes, what his regular rituals are and much more!
You are a successful Czech painter. How did you get into painting and what was your path to becoming a professional painter?
Success is a relative term, but thank you. I was drawn to painting as a child, in primary school I liked art education the most and I didn't enjoy most of the other subjects. During my studies at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Žižkov, where I studied scenography, I was already clearly headed towards painting. This was followed by studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, in the painting studio of prof. Rittstein and a one-year internship at the Facultad de Bellas Artes Universidad Complutense in Madrid.

(Martin Krajc in the studio, Prague 2022)
What was the most difficult part of your career as a professional painter?
Studying requires discipline and you also need to keep believing in your work. The hardest thing is probably to stay in the field and work constantly. It was also important that I started exhibiting already at the Academy, where together with colleagues Josef Achrer, David Hanvald and Karel Štědrý, we founded the Obr. group, which generally helped us to exhibit more than others. Last year, we founded the Firma group with Paste Oner, Jan Kaláb, Michal Cimalá, Matěj Olmer, Michal Škapa and Karl Štědrý, from which we also hope for the possibility of interesting collaborative projects. It is essentially important, because the constant confrontation is then reflected in one's own work.
How does your normal day go and, above all, what does your creative process look like?
Every day is a little different. It depends if it is before the exhibition, when there is generally more work and deadlines to be met. But every weekday I try to be in the studio and work on something. I usually have several things in progress at once. Even depending on the exhibitions, I try to work in internally tight series, connected by some micro-theme, etc. In addition to creating, I am also basically constantly involved in various arrangements, production, and meetings. It's a very live process. But it suits me best if I start work in the morning and a regular routine, where your boxes will help a lot.

(View of Martin Krajec's studio)
Do you have any proven rituals without which, for example, you cannot start creating?
I like when I have enough material ready and also when I have things arranged around me and have some kind of system. My painting is more gestural and also about intuition and chance, but when I need a particular color I have to know exactly where to look for it. It helps me concentrate more on the process itself and get rid of the surroundings.
How many hours a day do you spend painting?
It is individual. I work as a freelancer, so I am the master of my own time to some extent. It depends on many factors that I have already mentioned, but also on what the weather is like outside, if I am inspired at the moment or if there are other obligations.

(View of the installation of the Case Study Houses Memories exhibition, European Arts, Prague)
Do you have time for other activities during the day?
Most of the day is divided between painting and various arrangements. But I also try to exercise, it helps to stretch the body, which is a bit out of harmony due to the one-sided straining of the right hand, and it is also a valve for me. I sometimes like to break this rather strict regime by going abroad to exhibitions or just to relax and get to know each other. It helps me maintain some self-reflection and also gain some distance.
Do you sometimes have creative blocks and how do you solve them? Do you have any proven advice for overcoming them?
Sometimes I don't feel like painting. If possible, I will spend the day differently. I think that the process of painting is very much about one's own experience, and if one is not in the mood for it, it will still show in the painting. I usually don't have a problem with that, I really like my profession and that's why I don't have to force myself to work again.

(View of the installation of the Case Study Houses Memories exhibition, European Arts, Prague)
As a professional painter, you certainly have a demanding schedule. How much time will Yes Krabičky save you?
I would not be able to prepare any food myself during the day. Yes The boxes are ideal for me because I don't have to think about what I should get or order. I appreciate that I don't have to be distracted by anything and can focus on work.
How did you come across Yes Krabičky?
They were recommended to me by a friend, gallerist Albert Trnka, who also buys them. He praised that they help him eat regularly and in a balanced way. By the way, at the European Arts Gallery in Prague, which he runs, I have until 31.8. the Case Study Houses exhibition.
How long have you been buying Yes Krabičky and what are you most satisfied with Yes Krabičky?
I have been receiving the boxes for over a year now. It suits me that I have a regular supply of energy thanks to them. The menu is balanced and at the same time quite creative. Everything is fresh and tastes good. It is also possible to choose what one does not eat and also how many calories it should contain. I wouldn't be able to control such things myself.

(View of the installation of the Case Study Houses Memories exhibition, European Arts, Prague)
What are your plans for the future in 5 years?
It's hard to answer because I live completely in the present. Anyway, I intend to paint and I also hope that everything will go well as it has so far.
Do you think you will have more time to cook or will you continue to save time with Yes Krabičky?
I certainly won't have more time. When I have some time, I usually want to spend it other than preparing food. Yes, I intend to be loyal to the boxes ( if there will be a discount? ).
Do you primarily use courier delivery or do you pick up the boxes at the delivery point?
I use courier delivery. It suits me that the time and location of delivery can be changed, which also gives me enough freedom and the opportunity to deal with other things.

(View of the installation of the Case Study Houses Memories exhibition, European Arts, Prague)
Who would you recommend Yes Krabičky to?
To everyone who cares about what they eat, but is unable or unwilling to prepare everything themselves and find out the nutritional values...
What do you perceive to be the greatest benefit of Yes Krabičky?
Thanks to the boxes, I am able to eat regularly during the day in smaller portions. The food is varied and always tastes good. When needed, I can take it anywhere with me.
We thank Martin Krajec for the interview. You can already look forward to further interviews with interesting personalities who are satisfied customers of Yes Krabičky, in which, among other things, they will explain to us how Yes Krabičky saves their time and energy in the course of every day.